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Happy Thanksgiving!

We are close to Thanksgiving Day, which in the US this year is on Thursday, 24 November. Thanksgiving is a joyous family festival which originated in North America from a mix of European and Native American traditions. Native Americans, like Europeans, used to celebrate the end of the harvest season. When the settlers first arrived in the Americas, they brought their own festivals from Europe, to celebrate their safe voyage, peace and a good harvest.

Thanksgiving is also called Turkey Day, because this bird is an essential part of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. There is a ceremony, called National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation, that takes place at the White House every year. During this event, the President of the United States is presented with a live domestic turkey, usually of the Broad Breasted White variety. Generally, the National Wild Turkey Federation and the Poultry and Egg National Board are involved. Since 1989, when the first Thanksgiving of President George H. W. Bush took place, the president has granted the turkey a “presidential pardon” and thus spared the bird from being slaughtered.

By |2019-09-03T21:26:59+01:00November 21st, 2011|Blog|0 Comments

Carpigiani Gelato University

Fancy a big change in your life and start your own business? What about selling traditional world famous Italian Gelato? With the world economic crisis people need cheap and cheerful treats, like a good ice-cream.

Carpigiani Gelato University may be the right choice for you. Three weeks in every month, 20 to 30 students from around the world gather in Bologna for the brothers Carpigiani. In a tiered lecture room, a gelato maestro shows them how to transform lowly buckets of cream or bags of fruit into cold, concentrated flavour.

Gelato University conducts around 12,000 courses every year, and seminars are taught in Italian, English, French and German. Who’s signing up? “Mostly 40-year-olds looking for a new life,” says Patrick Hopkins, director of the six-year-old educational offshoot of the Carpigiani Company, which produces a majority of the world’s gelato machines.

The main goals of Gelato University are developing the art and science of gelato production, the comprehensive training of gelato entrepreneurs and the promotion of Italian gelato as a natural and flavoursome food suitable for all cultures.

By |2019-09-03T21:27:00+01:00November 18th, 2011|Blog|0 Comments


Do you think we are going through a seemingly never-ending crisis? What about having a good laugh? Chinglish, a new hilarious Broadway play by David Henry Hwang, is a good way to cheer you up.

It tells the story of Daniel, an American businessman who moves to China because he wants to quickly start a business to boost his family’s ailing sign-making company. The title of the play refers to those famously funny translations found in China, where you really risk being lost in translation, as we have already blogged about in the article Want Your Business Never Lost In Translation?

The play is set in Guiyang, a “small” city of 4.3m inhabitants in south-west China. The performance is in English and Mandarin with English supertitles. Western and Chinese cultures are very different, and people are often puzzled by foreigners’ behaviour. Peter, the British consultant and translator of Daniel, explains to Daniel the concept of guanxi (personal connections). In fact, Guanxi, hierarchy and face, the three musts of Chinese culture, are of paramount importance when you want to do business in China.

In the play, the audience witnesses a Chinese interpreter mangling communication between the American businessman and Minister Cai, a Chinese government official. “We’re a small, family firm” turns into “his company is small and insignificant; ” “I appreciate the frank American style” becomes “He enjoys your rudeness.”

Chinglish’s mistranslations make us laugh, but make sure that when you are doing business you don’t make blunders. Choose a reliable translation service provider. Choose SanTranslate .

By |2019-09-03T21:27:00+01:00November 17th, 2011|Blog|0 Comments
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